S.T. Dupont Behike 50 Cigar Humidor

S.T. Dupont Behike 50 Cigar Humidor


Following a past collaboration with Cohiba in 2003, S.T. Dupont is proud to sign a new one with the brand. This unique limited Edition celebrates what is probably the most famous and exclusive premium cigar brand in the world, Cohiba. Nowadays, Cohiba offers 4 different lines, such as Línea Clasica, Línea 1492, Maduro 5 and the most exclusive Cohiba Behike. All the collection adorns the Cohiba pattern in black and white and yellow colors. The Indian head and S.T. Dupont brand are both signed on each product.
The material at the core is “engineered wood” (a combination of woof fiber mixed with wax and resin binders) allowing a better density and better resistance. It is layered on the inside with an “exposed” Okume (with wood grain visible) and on the outside with the same veneer but inclusive of the decorative treatment (without being able to see the wood grain). 50 cigars capacity

Ref :


Dimensions :

31,2 x 21,8 x 13 cm

Material :

Natural Lacquer, Wood

Weight :


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